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Nervous System -- News
  Edward isn't the only thing that sparkles when dead -- World of Warcraft News
  Posted  November 15, 2012  by 

Our good friend, the sparkly wheezy diabeetus dragon finally got his titan mater dematerialized last week and dropped a sparkly chest full of goodies for us.

After the easiness that was the Spirit Kings, Elegon presented himself as quite a challenge. The fight is just one of those ones where all things need to fire off in harmony to ensure a kill. Healing needs a little help where available and DPS needs to be properly split between adds and the boss himself. One thing wrong like an extra add or an orb not dying when it should spells doom for the raid right now. We spent a night this week finding out that even though he'd been killed before, Elegon is still going to present problems until the gear gets better and we get afforded some slack in DPS and healing numbers.

Along with the second week of killing Elegon, NERV has other news this week with the pick up of several, former Flurry players. Flurry had a solid start to MoP raiding but unfortunately disbanded this week. NERV would like to welcome our new friends to the guild and look forward to raiding success with them in the future. We also are seeing the beginnings of a second raid group forming which opens up more options for players.
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