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Nervous System -- News
  Deathwing gives us our 7th anniv. gift early -- World of Warcraft News
  Posted  January 13, 2012  by 

Exactly one month after our last kill in Dragon Soul (doesn't even seem that long ago), NERV went into DS this week and sent the destroyer of worlds to his death.

Last week, NERV ended the week with one close shot on DW. We made it up to his jaw but couldn't maintain while dealing with the adds and the AOE. It was close but we felt we needed to crank the DPS a bit more. Despite a small mental twitch towards just continuing the raid ID, we allowed the reset and completely flew through the instance this week. We got down to DW himself on Weds night and were able to get some attempts in. Even though they did not result in a kill, we refined our strats a bit and had a better idea of what it takes for a kill.

We pushed towards a kill fairly quickly last night. The make up seemed thoroughly capable of a kill. We needed to find out the best way to handle the blue platform and it still seemed putting the ball in the healer's court seemed the way to go. Once that got sorted out, things fell in line neatly. DW's body fully crumbled and we all got some sexy new titles. Hopefully we can generate a few more kills in the next several weeks so that everybody gets their shot.
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