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Nervous System -- News
  Heroic Halfus gets his Wyrm broken... -- World of Warcraft News
  Posted  July 22, 2011  by 

... in several places. Twice. So far we've killed heroic Halfus in Bastion twice and 2 very different ways. The first one was more about the kill while the second one was more about pushing him into a realm of normalcy in terms of how the fight goes and grabbing his loot.

Even though we pecked at heroic Atramedes more times than Halfus, fighting him yielded rewards much quicker. The very first time we fought him, we had the right group but were slightly off in execution. Right after the officers made a style change that should have resulted in a kill, we lost a key role when Acandria DCed and was not able to return. The next time we fought him, he died using the same setup as the first time. When we fought him this week in an attempt to beef up for better Firelands shots, we dialed back the healers to 3 and just killed him the normal way.

The second night wasn't without issue. Missed novas and awkward tanks swaps were too much for just 3 heals to handle. An adjustment was made and we killed him within 2 shots after that. We did some work on heroic twin dragons again but eventually dialed it back to normal as there still seemed to be some unsteady moments.
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