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Nervous System -- News
  Wipe-o-tron defense down -- World of Warcraft News
  Posted  January 11, 2011  by 

There is a reason this guy is nicknamed Wipe-A-Tron. Prior to killing him last Sunday, we spent some time learning the ropes on him. It's not that we spent nights or weeks working on him. We only worked on him for 2 nights prior but one of those nights had thirty two wipes on him. THIRTY TWO TIMES in one night. That number is slightly misleading. The reason you can rack up so many wipes is because of the fact that he is easily resettable. You simply walk out of his medium sized area and the fight stops. So it isn't a full start to 10 person dead kind of wipe.

The fight isn't that hard when it gets boiled down to the basic mechanics. It does require the whole raid pay attention and fire on all cylinders. Tanks need to be fast and also be able to tweak positions of the bosses. The whole raid needs to watch for the clouds and kite slimes properly until they are dead. The night I went, healer mana seemed quite taxed. On the night we killed this council boss, it only took 3 tries to do it. We're currently sitting at 2/6 in BWD and the next boss we tried got down to about 20% in the first night we tried him.
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