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Nervous System -- News
  The NERVous Horde destroys the universe -- World of Warcraft News
  Posted  October 7, 2010  by 

In only our second hour of trying him, NERV
killed Algalon tonight. Last week, we tried him for the first time. We'd heard for a little bit that he should be easier than LK due to having less phases but the guy still hits pretty hard.

When we tried him last week, it was a learning experience. We got adjusted to using the black holes and properly creating them without too much damage going out. We did very well on our attempt and it felt like we'd get him very soon. Unfortunately the hour time limit kicked in and he decided to attend to stuff elsewhere in the universe. We went back in tonight with a good chunk of the same people. After a brief explanation on the fight again from Kia, we had at him again. We didn't need to try him that much tonight as we killed him with far less attempts than last week. The attempt where he died, it seemed like a very easy fight. We were all very happy to have our first round of Starcaller titles and certainly plan on generating a few over the next several weeks. Hopefully next time, I'll remember to get a picture LOL.
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