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Nervous System -- News
  Another big ugly bites the dust -- World of Warcraft News
  Posted  May 2, 2010  by 

On Thursday of this week, NERV and Mutiny got their speed back in 25 man ICC and got back into the upper wings again on the first night. We'd had a few slow nights recently and it was good to have our old speed back.

After beating Fester again, we saw we still had a good amount of time left so we decided to wander over to Rotface. We actually hadn't tried him yet on 25 but a lot of us had been wondering what it would be like. The first attempt was rough but it looked promising. It wasn't technically any different from the 10 man version. On the next attempt, people were a bit more used to it and it was looking much better. Around 30%, he went into his crazy debuff frenzy and we already had the bloodlust out way early. Things got chaotic and we spent the last 15% watching people drop like flies. Enough DPS and heals remained up to keep the tank going and he died after an agonizing last 3% or so.

We are all thrilled to have 2 shotted him and killed him in the first night we encountered him. We're now sitting at 6/12 in 25 man and the raid group has moved up a few notches in the standings.
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