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Nervous System -- News
  Now playing:Sartharion 3D in IMAX -- World of Warcraft News
  Posted  January 10, 2010  by 

Another great moment during our anniversary month, we finally nailed 3D. We probably have done more work on this than just about any other boss in the game. It doesn't seem it but when you think that the attempt is so fast, we're back in the instance after 2 minutes. A few times, we even kept going up until respawns.

We tried again last night on a lark (typical of our attempts-we rarely plan them). It was some tough decision making on the line up with the healers but we opted out of Maggie healing and put Wolf in with Talli's shammy for the bloodlust. We weren't doing the best. None of the attempts looked spectacular. Of course there was the bad waves but even with the good waves, we had some failures. Both good and bad waves amounted to the same amount of HP left on him when I died. A few people piped up and said let's hold the blust for a little later in his HP so that it carries over to the more dangerous time. Sure enough, that took care of it in one shot. We got a good wave and the bl went out a little later and voila-dead dragon. A smart decision for the pallies to bubble bought us enough time for Sarth to die. The first drake went to RJ's mage.
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