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Nervous System -- News
  Giant, undead tick burrows no more -- World of Warcraft News
  Posted  October 23, 2009  by 

This boss definitely gave a solid sense of satisfaction that had been somewhat lacking in instances lately. Sure-the 10 and 25 PVP bosses did a great job of presenting a hump and getting over it. It is a different feeling with them though. Killing them feels like turning around and kneeing your arch-nemesis bully right in the nuts...over and over again. Killing Anub felt like killing something worthwhile and the result of good effort. It felt like the old days.

10 man Anub never presented us any issues. We almost one shotted him the first time we ever saw him. 25 Anub, much like 25 Thad used to be, was certainly a different ball game. He was tougher and there was some obvious need for strats that could be molded and changed on the fly.

Last week when we got past the cockblock that is the PVP boss, we downed the twins after a few tries and shifting focus to a more typical NERV way of doing things. We got to Anub but had issues. We had the DPS seemingly but we were poor at execution. We came back and it was a total flipflop. The execution was great but the DPS was lacking. We routinely survived long but kept seeing one red, engorged big ass bug. We came in the next night hoping something would give and it did. We adjusted back to the original strats we used (mostly what I saw from an Heir of Doom pug actually). It took a few mins for people to drop their +5 Cloaks of Stupidity and the execution was there. What was left was for the DPS to fire on all cylinders and they did. Instead of seeing him at 50% with 1 minute on the clock, it became 3:45 instead. We had one attempt where a bloodlust would have sent him into a swarm at the right time but nobody but Achelois caught it. The next attempt we did burn the BL to put him into phase 3 but we lost DPS early and couldn't do enough damage. The next attempt everything lined up how it should. The execution was perfect, we put him into phase 3 with a huge amount of time and the BL was used during the swarm instead of before. Only one person was dead by the time Anub died and we pilfered the loot from his carapace.

Congrats to all on a TOC 25 clear and I see no issues putting TOC 25 on farm with the exception of the PVP boss being a thorn in our sides.
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